Connecting the Community – Communication





Team Leaders - Justin Sisul, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Staff Development; Dr. James Eichmiller, Assistant Superintendent for Technology & Learning


1. District 58 will build and enhance two-way communication that is equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive.

2. District 58 will foster strong relationships with all families and extended community.

3. District 58 will provide families with opportunities for parent/guardian education and collaboration based on needs.

4. District 58 will provide and receive support from community partners to help with District 58 initiatives and resources.

5. District 58 will build consistent collaboration opportunities between neighborhood schools to celebrate successes and shared learnings.


Objective 2.1 - District 58 will build and enhance two-way communication that is equitable, inclusive, and culturally responsive.

Action Plans

  • Action 2.1a: Ensure all families have access to District 58 communications, inclusive of a wide variety of languages, abilities and access levels.
  • Action 2.1b: Ensure that all schools and offices of District 58 use consistent platforms and resources to engage and communicate with the community.
  • Action 2.1c: Provide modern and accessible communication channels that allow for twoway communication between families and the District, considering non-digital resources in specific situations.

Implementation Plan for the 23-24 school year

  • Formation of a Connection and Communication Council including staff and families to meet regularly throughout the 2023-24 school year
  • The Connection and Communication Council will operate with detailed agendas that will include information needed to accomplish the above-identified steps.
  • The Assistant Superintendent of Personnel & Staff Development and the Assistant Superintendent of Technology and Learning will be responsible for overseeing this objective and implementation plan.


Objective 2.2: District 58 will foster strong relationships with all families and extended community.

Action Plans 

  • Action 2.2a: Create a consistent program to welcome and support new families to our schools, including mentor families and access to specific supports and resources.
  • Action 2.2b: Develop a consistent plan to reach out to incoming District 58 families, including partnerships with hospitals, realtors and other groups to provide educational resources to new and future families.
  • Action 2.2c: Continue to establish trust by enhancing external communications by providing the community with timely and consistent information regarding District planning, decisions, improvement efforts and celebrations

Implementation Plan for the 23-24 school year

  • Formation of a Connection and Communication Council including staff and families to meet regularly throughout the 2023-24 school year
  • The Connection and Communication Council will operate with detailed agendas that will include information needed to accomplish the above-identified steps
  • The Assistant Superintendent of Personnel & Staff Development and the Assistant Superintendent of Technology and Learning will be responsible for overseeing this objective and implementation plan.