Math Acceleration Criteria
All students who will be entering grades 3-8 are evaluated for potential acceleration in mathematics instruction. This happens annually, based upon the timeline and criteria listed below. Families of students who are newly eligible for acceleration are notified prior to the end of the current school year.
Single acceleration is defined as receiving math instruction one grade level higher than the student’s current grade (i.e., a 4th grade student receiving 5th grade math instruction). Double acceleration is defined as receiving math instruction two grade levels higher than the student’s current grade (i.e., a 4th grade student receiving 6th grade math instruction). Double acceleration does have a future impact on available math courses when the student reaches high school; for this reason, families of all students who are candidates for double acceleration first consult with the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction (or a designee from the administrative team.)
Acceleration in the elementary buildings happens during a common mathematics instruction block. At the middle school level, there are several different middle school math courses that identify students’ various instructional pathways.
Acceleration criteria is listed below, by grade level reviewed. Please click the grade level heading below to see detailed criteria. The teacher rating scale is a series of questions asking the current math teacher the frequency at which the student demonstrates mathematical practices and habits of mind. See the "Math acceleration teacer rating scale" section below for more information. Students who are asked to take an additional assessment to determine eligibility will take these at a time identified by their homeroom teacher (during school) - the assessment length is 45 minutes.
Information for anyone who wishes to inquire about acceleration in math prior to third grade can be found below. Any additional questions can be directed to the Curriculum Department.
Teachers are asked to evaluate the frequency of the following characteristics observed in students. These learning traits correspond to mathematical practices and habits of mind that are outlined in the Illinois Learning Standards as well as those behaviors that define students who are typically successful in advanced coursework. It is important to note that while some of these skills are explicitly taught in school, some are innate for students. Therefore, a lower rating on this scale does not identify a deficiency, but is simply an observation of a student over the course of a school year.
The teacher rates the student on a five point scale as follows:
Almost Never (1pts), Infrequently (2pts), Occasionally (3pts), Frequently (4 pts), Almost Always (5 pts)
- Demonstrates persistence in solving challenging math problems.
- Displays a strong number sense & displays strong math foundational skills
- Demonstrates the ability to explain his/her mathematical thinking
- Highly motivated
- Demonstrates commitment to their own learning
- Demonstrates self-advocacy
- Organizes data and information and applies mathematical practices
- Completes homework, takes notes and shows work (middle school only)
District 58 procedure in response to a request for math acceleration prior to the beginning of 3rd grade
District 58 begins the systematic review of student data for acceleration consideration in the spring of the student’s 2nd grade year. For a student to be considered for accelerated placement in math prior to their 3rd grade year, the student’s parent/guardian must submit a written request to the building principal by May 1st. A meeting will be scheduled with the parent/guardian and the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction (or designee) to discuss the parent/guardian’s request for accelerated placement consideration. Once the written request is received and the meeting is held, the following criteria will be applied:
A student’s last 3 MAP math scores are equivalent to the 97th percentile (or above) of the subsequent grade (i.e., a MAP score achieved in the child’s 1st grade year must be in the 99th percentile for 2nd grade in the same assessment season) and teacher rating scale of 4.5 or above on the District 58 Math Practices Rating Scale
- or -
A student’s last 3 MAP scores are equivalent to the 85th percentile or above for the subsequent grade and a teacher rating scale of 4.5 or above on the District 58 Math Practices Rating Scale and a passing score on a content assessment.
If the criteria is met, the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction (or designee) will notify the student’s parent/guardian to discuss the student’s eligibility for accelerated placement in math. Instructional options will be developed for the student in consultation with the teacher, administrator and the student’s parent/guardian, and a written plan will be developed. Instructional options may include
- Enrichment opportunities within classroom/small group;
- Access to next grade level materials;
- Virtual instruction;
- Receiving math instruction in the next grade level in a different classroom setting, acknowledging that this will cause disruption to the student’s schedule and may require adjustment to the instructional delivery of other content areas.
If the criteria is not met, the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction (or designee) will meet with the student’s parent/guardian to discuss the results. Differentiation and extension activities are available within each grade level classroom.
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 90% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 4th grade math in the fall
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 85% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 3 Bridges End of Year Assessment = Accelerated into 4th grade math in the fall
- Students taking 3rd Grade Math (not currently accelerated) are evaluated for potential single acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 90% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 5th grade math in the fall
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 85% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 4 Bridges End of Year Assessment = Accelerated into 5th grade math in the fall
- Students taking 4th Grade Math (currently single accelerated) are evaluated for potential double acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 99% or above and a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 6th grade math in the fall (double accelerated)
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 97% or above and a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 5 Bridges End of Year Assessment = Accelerated into 6th grade math in the fall (Double Accelerated)
- Students taking 4th Grade Math (not currently accelerated) are evaluated for potential single acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 85% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 6th grade math in the fall
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 80% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 5 Bridges End of Year Assessment = Accelerated into 6th grade math in the fall
- Students taking 5th Grade Math (currently single accelerated) are evaluated for potential double acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 97% or above and a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 7th grade math in the fall (Double Accelerated)
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 93% or above and a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 6 Big Ideas Assessment = Accelerated into 7th grade math in the fall (Double Accelerated)
- Students taking 5th Grade Math (not currently accelerated) are evaluated for potential single acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 80% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 7th grade math in the fall
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 75% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 6 Big Ideas Assessment = Accelerated into 7th grade math in the fall
- Students taking 6th Grade Math (currently single accelerated) are accelerated for potential double acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 97% or above and a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 8th grade math in the fall (Double Accelerated)
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 89% or above and (a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 7 Big Ideas Assessment = Accelerated into 8th grade math in the fall (Double Accelerated)
- Students taking 6th Grade Math (not currently accelerated) are evaluated for potential single acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 80% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into 8th grade math in the fall
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 75% or above and a 4.0 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 7 Big Ideas Assessment = Accelerated into 8th grade math in the fall
- Students taking 7th Grade Math (currently single accelerated) are evaluated for potential double acceleration by the following criteria:
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 93% or above and a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale = Accelerated into Math 1 in the fall (Double Accelerated)
- 3 most recent MAP scores at 89% or above and a 4.5 average on teacher rating scale AND a passing score on Grade 8 Big Ideas Assessment = Accelerated into Math 1 in the fall (Double Accelerated)
Additional Considerations for all acceleration scenarios
- Initial acceleration (single or double) includes the approval of the building administrator and formal acceptance of placement by the student’s family.
- Newly accelerated students are asked to engage in math practice over the summer to fully prepare them for acceleration.
- All placement decisions will be reviewed prior to the end of Trimester 1 in the following year to ensure appropriate placement for all students. If there are any concerns about newly accelerated students’ placement, a conference will be initiated with the student’s teacher, family and an administrator.
- Students new to the district will be evaluated based on previous grade level of math completed. Unless there is evidence of completion of accelerated math in a previous school district, new students will not be considered for first-time acceleration prior to the end of Trimester 1, in order to include teacher observation of mathematical practices and habits of mind.
- Mid-year acceleration considerations will be extremely rare, and are approved by the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum.
- A student who has one data point that is a clear outlier may be considered for acceleration with administrative approval.
- Acceleration criteria and procedures will be reviewed annually and are subject to revision.
- A District 58 student cannot be accelerated past Math 1, as they need to complete that course for high school proficiency credit.