District Offices and Contacts

District Offices

District Office
2300 Warrenville Road
Suite 200 NE
Downers Grove, IL 60515

Doris Chlapecka, Receptionist - dchlapecka@dg58.org

Office of the Superintendent

Dr. Kevin Russell, Superintendent - krussell@dg58.org
Melissa Jerves, Secretary - mjerves@dg58.org

Office of Business Todd Drafall, Assistant Superintendent for Business/CSBO, 630-719-5829 - tdrafall@dg58.org
Brenda Patton Ismail, Business Specialist, 630-719-5829 - bpattonismail@dg58.org
Michelle Kovar, Manager of Business Services, 630-719-5839 - mkovar@dg58.org
Carly Book, Payroll Bookkeeper, 630-719-5848 - cbook@dg58.org
Rupali Naik, Bookkeeper, 630-719-5853 - rnaik@dg58.org
Brenda Patton Ismail, Benefits Specialist, 630-719-5854 - bpattonismail@dg58.org
Office of Personnel

Justin Sisul, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Staff Development, 630-719-5807 - jsisul@dg58.org
Kristin Mitchell, Personnel Assistant, 630-719-5806 - kmitchell@dg58.org
Pat Houlihan, Secretary, 630-719-5807 - phoulihan@dg58.org

Office of Special Services

Jessica Stewart, Assistant Superintendent for Special Services Homeless Liaison, 630-719-5824 - jstewart@dg58.org
Amy Dunbar, Secretary - adunbar@dg58.org
Dr. Jackelyn Cadard, Special Programs Coordinator, 630-719-5860 - jcadard@dg58.org
Lauren Hartelius, Behavioral Support Systems Coordinator, 630-719-5850 - lhartelius@dg58.org
Tiffany WilliamsSpecial Programs Coordinator, 630-719-5840 - tiffanywilliams@dg58.org

Office of Community Relations
Megan Hewitt,
Community Relations Coordinator - mhewitt@dg58.org

Office of Curriculum, Technology and Instruction
630-719-2768 (Technology)
630-719-5869 (Curriculum)

Elizabeth Ehrhart Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, 630-719-5867 - eehrhart@dg58.org
Dr. James Eichmiller, Assistant Superintendent for Technology and Learning - jeichmiller@dg58.org
Eleni Gajewski, Curriculum Coordinator - egajewski@dg58.org
Christine Priester, Curriculum Coordinator - cpriester@dg58.org
Sandy Cristobal, Curriculum Coordinator - scristobal@dg58.org
Alissa Drake, Curriculum Department Secretary- adrake@dg58.org
Tara Rose Groberski, Bookstore Secretary - tgroberski@dg58.org
Patricia Vena, Technology Department Secretary - pvena@dg58.org
Jennifer Lehotsky, Instructional Coach - jlehotsky@dg58.org
Lauren Prosser, Instructional Coach - lprosser@dg58.org
Tim Frederickson, Instructional Coach - tfrederickson@dg58.org
Nicole Ring, Instructional Coach - nring@dg58.org
Krista Saladino, Behavioral Instructional Coach - ksaladino@dg58.org
Todd Cherney, Level 2 Technician - tcherney@dg58.org
Cheryl Meuret, Data Assistant - cmeuret@dg58.org
Geoff Meister, Level 1 Technician - gmeister@dg58.org
Lauren Klimczak, Level 1 Technician - lklimczak@dg58.org
Rod Novotny, Network Administrator - rnovotny@dg58.org
Amy O'Toole, Coordinator of Information Systems - mhampton@dg58.org

District Service Center
Office of Buildings and Grounds
1860 63rd St.
Downers Grove, IL 60516

Kevin Barto, Director of Buildings & Grounds - kbarto@dg58.org
Geoff Neustadt, Assistant Director of Buildings & Grounds - gneustadt@dg58.org
Grove Children’s Preschool Susan Dillon, Preschool Coordinator - sdillon@dg58.org

Contact Information

2300 Warrenville Road, Suite 200 NE
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Phone: (630) 719-5800
Fax: (630) 719-9857