Focusing on Learning – Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction





Team Leaders: Dr. James Eichmiller, Assistant Superintendent for Technology & Learning; Jessica Stewart, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services; Liz Ehrhart, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.

Learning Objectives

1. Set high expectations for all learners that are designed to meet their individual needs.

2. Ensure students’ availability for learning by (building), measuring, and supporting their behavioral and mental health needs.

3. Support students in the intentional use of technology to build digital literacy and citizenship.

4. Implement a systematic review of (multiple forms of) data to inform transparent instructional decision-making.

5. Commit to regularly evaluating and improving upon our curricular offerings to ensure that students have equitable access to broader areas of learning.

Objective 1.1 District 58 will set high expectations for all learners that are designed to meet their individual needs.

Action Plans

  • Action 1.1a: Define high expectations and determine how expectations are developed for individual students.
  • Action 1.1b: Investigate structures for and opportunities to enhance intentional instructional planning, professional learning communities, and consistency. Continuous opportunity for learning how best to maintain high expectations for all learners.
  • Action 1.1c: Establish an instructional framework that allows for staff to regularly review growth and performance, ensuring differentiation for all students while maintaining high expectations to meet individual student needs (e.g. flexible grouping, enrichment, interventions)

Implementation Plan for the 2023-24 school year

  • The Curriculum Council will operate with detailed agendas that will include information needed to accomplish the above-identified steps.
  • Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Assistant Superintendent of Technology and Learning and Assistant Superintendent for Special Services will be responsible for overseeing this objective and implementation plan.


Objective 1.2: Ensure students’ availability for learning by measuring and supporting their behavioral needs, while also supporting mental health.

Action Plans

  • Action 1.2a: Identify local data sources that are appropriate indicators for monitoring student behavioral and mental health needs.
  • Action 1.2b: Implement and evaluate our process for collecting relevant student data at the building and district level to ensure equity and consistency (e.g. behavior, mental health, attendance, SEL competencies, executive functioning skills).
  • Action 1.2c: Evaluate and enhance our professional learning plan for staff while consistently reviewing our process and offerings for supporting the whole child (e.g. behavior, mental health, attendance, SEL competencies, executive functioning skills).

Implementation Plans for School Year 2023 - 2024

  • The PBSS/Attendance, Threat Assessment, SEL Curricular Audit, Differentiation and Assessment, and MTSS District Level Committees will operate with detailed agendas that will include information needed to accomplish the above-identified steps.
  • Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and Assistant Superintendent for Special Services will be responsible for overseeing this objective and implementation plan.


Objective 1.3: District 58 will implement a systematic review of (multiple forms of) data to inform transparent instructional decision-making.

Action Plans

  • Action 1.3a: Evaluate existing systems of data collection to ensure that they best inform decision-making for students.
  • Action 1.3b: Increase administrator and staff capacity in understanding District assessments and progress monitoring tools and how each fits into a student’s learning path.
  • Action 1.3c: Review parent communication of student progress to ensure timely and consistent practices.

Implementation Plan for the 23-24 school year

  • The Differentiation and Assessment and Gifted Committees will operate with detailed agendas that will include information needed to accomplish the above identified steps.
  • Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction and Assistant Superintendent for Technology and Learning will be responsible for overseeing this objective and implementation plan.