FAQs regarding District 58's updated COVID-19 mitigations

covid update february 2022

Dear District 58 Community,

Thank you for your partnership with District 58. As we shared on Thursday evening, the Board voted to adopt a resolution that will change some of District 58’s COVID-19 mitigations beginning Monday, Feb. 14. Please read the following FAQ document for more information.

1. What changes did District 58 make to its COVID-19 mitigation plan?

Beginning Monday, Feb. 14:

  1. District 58 will recommend, but will not require, students and staff to wear a mask at school. Masks are still required on District transportation, per federal mandate. (Update: on Feb. 25, the CDC stopped requiring school bus riders to wear masks. District 58 adopted this change.)
  2. District 58 will not require “close contacts” to stay home from school.
  3. District 58 will not require unvaccinated District staff to submit to weekly testing.

2. How is District 58 supporting students and staff during this transition?

Please know that our priority is the safety and well-being of our students and staff. We understand that while some students may be excited about this change, the transition may also elicit anxiety and other emotions for many students. District 58 is committed to social and emotional learning (SEL) for students, and our teachers have access to our SEL curriculum, which contains resources they may use to support this transition. In addition, students will participate in a teacher-facilitated conversation with an emphasis on respecting the choices of others while reiterating that we want all students to feel safe. 

3. How can families help support their child(ren) through this transition?

In addition to the conversations that students will have at school, we ask that you have conversations with your child or children as well and that you make a decision regarding masking that is best for your family. Just as we are facilitating conversations in school about respecting (and not questioning) others’ choices, we ask you to emphasize this message at home.  Staff members will model the behavior of not questioning the masking choice of students; similarly, we want to encourage students not to question their peers’ choices.

The District will no longer monitor and/or enforce masking, so if you would like your child or children to wear a mask during the school day, please ensure they understand your expectation. While we always strive to partner with families as best we can, it is not feasible for staff to keep track daily of which students are wearing masks, and which are not.  

4. My child is immunocompromised or has an underlying condition that makes him/her more susceptible to COVID-19 complications. What accommodations exist? 

We encourage families of students who are immunocompromised or who have another medical condition(s) that could negatively impact their student to work with their building principal and student support team to consider reasonable accommodations. 

5. My child does not have a medical condition that requires accommodations.  Can I still request those accommodations? For example, can I request that my masked child be seated only by other masked students? 

Please understand that our schools are not able to accommodate special requests for seating in the classroom. Instructional spacing will remain at three feet for all students, with the exception of current lunch and snack protocols that are in place. Students will not be segregated within instructional spaces based upon masking choices. 

6. Is District 58 changing any of its other COVID-19 mitigations beyond the three listed in #1 above?

No. Public health agencies recommend a layered approach to removing mitigations, which is what District 58 will do. District 58’s instructional spacing will remain at 3 feet, and lunch and recess will be handled in the same way as they are today. In addition, staff will maintain 6 feet of distancing in instructional spaces to the greatest extent possible. District 58 will also continue to strongly recommend the use of hand sanitizer, hand washing, weekly testing for unvaccinated staff, etc. 

7. Are students required to wear masks on the bus? 

Yes, students are required to wear masks on any District-provided transportation, as required by federal mandate. This includes before- and after-school bus transportation, intra-school bus transportation, and special transportation.

Starting Feb. 25, students are no longer required to wear masks while on schools buses, per the CDC.

8. Can individuals who test positive for COVID-19 still return to school after five days? Are students or staff members who tested positive for COVID-19 required to wear masks after returning to school?

District 58 will continue to follow Illinois Department of Public Health guidance regarding positive COVID-19 cases. Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must be excluded from school and may return to school after five days if they have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and if their symptoms are improving. However, they will be required to wear a mask at school until after 10 days have passed since either their positive test or their first day of symptoms.

9. Are masks required at my child’s before- and after-school care program? 

District 58’s mask-recommended policy only applies to District 58. Please consult with your childcare provider regarding their mask requirements. 

10. Will District 58 continue to offer its onsite COVID-19 testing program? 

Yes, District 58 will continue to offer onsite COVID-19 testing. There are no changes to our testing program. 

11. Will District 58 continue to update its COVID-19 dashboard?

Yes, District 58 will continue to update its dashboard on weekdays around 4 p.m.

12. Does District 58’s mask-recommended policy apply to school extracurriculars? 

Yes, extracurriculars are the same as in-person instruction. However, when visiting other schools in different districts, students are expected to follow the rules set by the school district being visited.

13. What will District 58 do if the Temporary Restraining Order gets overturned?

The Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Governor Pritzker’s mask mandate has already been appealed, and motions to stay the TRO have been filed. It is possible that the TRO will be overturned. If the TRO is overturned, District 58 will immediately review and follow the court decision, and this might mean that District 58 will require masks in schools again. School districts that ignore or refuse to comply with state mandates risk losing accreditation, state funding and insurance coverage. This is not a risk District 58 is willing to take.

14. If my child has COVID-19 symptoms, what should he or she do?

Students, staff and visitors who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms should not report to school. If at any time your child is not feeling well, please have him/her stay home, or, if your child is in school, have him/her visit the nurse's office. Students who experience COVID-19 symptoms must stay home, and we highly recommend them to get tested for COVID-19. 

If a student has at least one COVID-19 symptom and does not get tested for COVID, they must stay home for five days and may return if they have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and if their symptoms are improving. However, they will be required to wear a mask for an additional five days.

15. Will teachers and staff be wearing masks? 

District 58 strongly recommends -- but does not require -- all students and staff to wear a mask. As such, it is likely that your child’s teacher(s) may wear a mask. District 58 cannot accommodate any family requests for a teacher or staff member to not wear a mask.

For additional information, families are encouraged to review the Return to Learn update presented to the Board of Education during the Feb. 10 Special Meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact your building principal on Monday morning. Thank you and have a great weekend!