O'Neill Middle School math students score some wins

Math students holding up their certificates

In the recent Illinois Council of Teachers of Math (ICTM) contest, O'Neill Middle School made its mark, securing 9th place overall across all three competitions.

O’Neill’s Integrated Math 1 students also recently completed their third ICTM math competition, scoring 11th place out of 48 participating schools. A big shout-out to the top team participants: Lily L., Sadie N., Ella M., Husain A., Tudor C. and Hayden D. Top individual scores were made by Ella M., Tudor C., Hayden D., Nora M., Justin C., Justin T. and Lily L., with perfect scores from Arvin T., Lydia L. and Brian S. 

O'Neill previously placed in 8th place in the first and second ICTM contests. The individual contest was a total of eight problem-solving questions in 20 minutes. The team competition was done in groups of four or less with a total of 20 questions in 25 minutes. Kelly Messineo and Kristen Mitzel are the coaches. “We are extremely proud of our students' excitement and perseverance on the math competition,” they said.