District 58 Virtual Field Day!

District 58 Virtual Field Day!

It’s Virtual Field Day, District 58! Check out the official Virtual Field Day website at https://sites.google.com/dg58.org/dg58virtualfieldday/home to access 12 fun challenges, created by your District 58 PE teachers! Each challenge has a video with prerecorded directions and demonstrations. There is a scorecard available if students want to keep score.

You have THREE days to complete the challenges. Post pictures, videos and your scorecard on Twitter or Seesaw between June 1 and June 3.

Remember Virtual Field Day is OPTIONAL. If you choose to participate, try to complete as many challenges as possible. YOU DON’T HAVE TO COMPLETE THEM ALL. If you do not have all the equipment available to you, that is okay. Just have fun and enjoy this day! Have fun!