Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year!  Our goal is to continue the long-standing reputation of educational excellence that has been established at Whittier. As always, our faculty and staff have been preparing for a terrific school year.

This school year, we will continue to implement small group instruction, emphasizing Guided Reading and Guided Math through our ELA curriculum (Benchmark) and our Math Curriculum (Bridges). Technology integration will continue to progress throughout Whittier through our 1:1 iPad initiative at all grade levels. Social Emotional Learning will continue to emphasize school and classroom community through Classroom/Morning Meetings, Second Step, and Bullying Education and Prevention. We will also continue to work with students on goal setting. Taking ownership and responsibility for learning is key to the academic growth and improvement of our students.

Our School Improvement Plan will focus on 3 main goals this year: ELA - identifying the main idea, supporting details, and text evidence; Math - continuing to implement our Math curricular resources with fidelity; and Culture & Climate - encouraging culture and climate that is rooted in positive psychology.  

This year, our school theme is “Be The Dream.”  As we continue to strengthen our Whittier School community, we will recognize the importance of understanding that we are all unique individuals with our own unique talents, interests and values that we bring to the table. As we continue to support and cultivate diversity, inclusivity, and acceptance throughout our school community, it is so important that we all continue to respond in a positive, appropriate and meaningful way.  

The school is the heart of every village. Teachers are responsible to teach and educate our children. Students are responsible to try their best and learn from the experiences afforded to them. Parents are responsible to ensure that their children are prepared and ready for each school day. The Community is responsible to support the overall educational process. Together, we will all work to achieve educational success for all our Whittier students!

We are very thankful for all the parent support we continue to receive at Whittier throughout the years.  Our PTA continues to support our efforts and has earmarked fundraising for building improvement projects.  This year we will be installing outdoor equipment, which includes additional benches, picnic tables, garbage cans, and bike racks.  A continued special thanks to MAVinS (Mothers Against Violence in Schools) for supporting our school theme and goals each school year.  We all work best when we work together!

Thank you for the support and confidence you give us in educating your children!

Michael J. Krugman